Wednesday 2 January 2019

Modernising the Rules of Golf

2019 promises to be a big year for the sport of golf; not because Tiger Woods is on the comeback trail, but because the Rules of Golf are undergoing a fundamental change. It is an effort by the United States Golfing Association (USGA) and The Royal and Ancient (R&A), the twin Governing Bodies of golf, to modernize the rules; making it easier for beginners to understand and to speed up the pace of play. 

 This is a very bold step for a sport that is steeped in tradition and has hardly ever seen radical changes to the rules. The last major revision of the Rules of Golf was in 1984 when a 4-year cycle was introduced to update the rules of golf as well as the decisions to the rules of golf.
The modernizations to the rules of golf in 2019 continue in this cycle, but for the first time, the principles behind the changes is to make the rules of the game easier to understand and apply during casual rounds of golf.

Some highlights of the changes one can expect in 2019:

1)  The number of rules have reduced significantly from 34 to 24
2)  It is now easier for individuals to drop and replace a ball; a ball can be dropped from as little as 2 inches from the ground!
3)  In a non professional round of golf, if a ball is hit out of bounds or lost, you may drop a ball at the point where it crossed out of bounds or where it is lost rather than playing from the tee box again
You can now drop a ball from knee height not shoulder height
4)  You may now touch and move loose impediments in a bunker 

The rules of golf are not easy to master, but it is these nuanced rules and high standards that set golf apart from other sports. I believe, unlike the critics, that modernization of the rules was desperately required. Though the Decisions Book to the rules of golf provides some clarity, it is never practical for recreational golfers to carry the Decisions Book to each game. In addition, interpretations became subjective to the expertise of individuals. Not many golf courses have access to certified Rules Officials, leaving interpretations to enthusiastic members who may not even be qualified.

This modernization of the rules comes at the right time, when the sport needs to grow and attract more individuals to learn the game. One of the most common deterrents to people who wish to take up the game of golf, is the extensive rules. It is heartening to note that the governing bodies have taken cognizance of this and responded in a timely fashion and in a manner that keeps the game enjoyable while the spirit of the game remains intact.   

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