Sunday 3 March 2013

Indian Golf Expo; Feb 21-23

Over the next few days, all eyes will be on Pune as India's only golf expo gets underway. It is an opportunity for those in the industry to meet, connect and discuss common issues faced by those in the industry.

As India develops and the golf industry expands events such as these will be necessary to showcase the different golf courses and even the latest developments by Indian companies in the field of turf management and golf course development. Since golf in India is very new, events such as these are important as they help shape the future of the industry.

This is only the second year of the expo and already the issues being discussed are growing, with even more illustrious members joining the panel. A golf expo the world over is important as it helps the companies connect with their consumer, it also helps clubs connect with their potential golfer. This interaction is important for all parties, as clubs need to understand the demands of their market and from a consumers perspective it is always important for them to see where the future of the industry lies.

I have been looking forward to this event for some time and am eager to see all that is in store. This is a step in the right direction, earlier there were very limited opportunities for those in the industry to meet, unless they were members of organisations such as the PGAI, IGU, IGAI etc. This event has enabled people from various facets of the industry to be brought under one roof where they can connect with each other. In the future though I do hope many more events are organised, it would be wonderfully to have multiple trade shows for the various regions in india, because each region affects golf so differently
I urge many a golfer to participate and support such events and look forward to seeing you there!

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