Saturday 10 March 2012

Travelling by Train to see the Green

To visit the Bombay Presidency Golf Course, I decided to travel by the infamous Indian Railways. This really did not seem like a bad idea, given the turmoil in Kingfisher Airlines, I might just have end up in Bangalore Airport, not going anywhere!

It was a very pleasant journey. For a change the bedding was clean and the blankets not insect ridden. However the toilets remain offensive and bring you back down to earth with a very smelly thud. But all in all it was a very comfortable journey. There are sellers forcing you to buy virtually anything, from books to ice cream and everything in between. This is so typical of train travel in India.

For little over USD 23 I’d say that this is not a bad deal. I do believe the railways have improved (or it could just be this one train). I was extremely skeptical at first, but I have warmed up to the experience. The fellow passengers are friendly and love to chat.  I am actually looking forward to my return journey…

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