Monday 29 October 2012

The Indian Open

October 18th-21st at Karnataka Golf Association Bangalore

Golf in Bangalore will not be the same again. In what hopes to be a great boon for golf in the South, the Indian Open has made its début at the Karnataka Golf Association for the first time. Some of the best names on the Asian and European tours (along with some phenomenal desi talent) will descend onto India's first ‘silicon valley’.

This tournament is by far India’s biggest professional golfing event, it was conceived a few years ago and over the years has been gaining momentum and interest from players across the world. Just like other South East Asian nations, India has some very unique golf courses, even historic ones and it is important for large events such as these to draw attention to and golfers to these locations. There is a move afoot to rotate the location of the Indian Open. I am in favour of this because it allows different courses to experience this event, of course assuming the said golf course meets the minimum requirements set by the organizers.

Unfortunately this is the only major Indian golfing event of this scale. It is equally important to encourage more tournaments such as these. Rotating this event can help, but it begs the question, why does the entire future of Indian golf depend on this event. Can there not be many more events organized, and even the current tournaments that are played, shouldn't spectators be encouraged to view these events as well?

The effort that this tournament is making is applaud able and needs to be supported by all golfers in the across India.  I do hope people turn up in large numbers entry is free so bring your friends. This is a great showcase of what Indian Golf can be and what the future holds!

See you at the event!